About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tired, tired, tired

It seems I am unable to sleep through the night lately, I woke up several times last night and each time I had trouble going back to sleep.  Very sucky... Oh well and than I wake up earlier than usual because Jeff has been calling in the mornings and guess who's not calling or online. JEFF! I am sure he's busy and that's fine but sheesh I could have used that extra 20 minutes.

SICK KIDS... so i got a call yesterday from the school. Jordon was sent to the nurses office with PINK EYE... ahhh so just as I'm heading to get Trent from school and to take him to story time at the library, I have to go get Jordon and miss story time with Trent, but there was no way I was going to take Jordon in there with his pink eye. So today we have to go get his prescription than I am coming home and washing the bedding, so that it doesn't spread. I guess while I am at it I will finish laundry.

And since I have to keep Jordon home from school until his eye is better, I also have to forgo the gym. I guess I will just have to figure out which parts of my routine I can do at home (with Jeff's dumbbells I got him for Christmas). And what I am going to substitute in place of the elliptical.

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