About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Feeling In Control...

I am feeling good! I downloaded a new app on my cell phone JEFIT, it is generally used for people who need a workout to bulk up, but see I want to build up muscle but also to lose weight. So I created a nice little workout that I am pretty excited to be doing.

Today I did some cardio, and worked out my triceps and chest. Was a good workout, you pick the weight and reps and than use the timer for a 60 sec rest period. I can't wait to see the results down the road.

I am really feeling like this might just be a great year for me. Minus Jeff not being home but I am finally really taking control of my weight and health. Speaking of health, I had an appointment with the Doctor today to have a physical. All went well, drew some blood to check thyroid and a few other things, since according to their scale I have only lost 13 lbs since June. While that's not bad I just wish it had been more, but since June I have lost 26lbs. Once again I wish it were more but it's really not bad.

So we will see what the blood test say but either way I will be working on this and getting myself fit so that when Jeff is home again, he has a more active wife!

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