About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The hard truth...

So here is the hard truth... I am an EMOTIONAL eater. When I am sad, I eat, when I am bored - whoa I eat. I think that in recognizing our faults we take control of them. Or at least I hope we do. Because that is what I am trying to do. Take control of my eating, my health and my life.

On that note I am thinking of calling my Dr's office and scheduling a physical. I think I need to know where exactly my health stands at so that I can properly tackle it this year while Jeff is away. I truly do want to make my 30's the best years yet.

I've got this handsome husband and I feel I do him a discredit by not trying to be the best and healthiest me possible. And I feel I am doing my kids a disservice as well. Not to mention how much better my life will be when I am in shape, more active and know how to eat better but still enjoy the yummy food that I've always enjoyed.

So here is my goal. Right now I weigh 257 lbs, I want to get to 150 lbs.  For a difference of 107 lbs, now I am realistic, I DO NOT expect to lose 100 lbs in the span of  9-10 (which is when we expect Jeff back in the states) But I want to at least be down to 180ish by the time he gets home... because thats where I was when we first started dating.

I think my 30's are going to be great, I think that starting them off by getting healthy and learning new habits is going to be great. I cannot wait. So I am going to get dressed for the gym and than go do an awesome workout while my little men are at school.

Have a great day!

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