About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

So back in April 2011 our landlord told us the duplex we were renting was in foreclosure and we had until May 15th to move out. Totally sucked ass, since we were preparing for this deployment and at the time thought he was going to be leaving in July. Well we tried to find another house to rent, but it just didn't work out and we weren't prepared to buy a house, so we moved into my mom and step-dads house. The boys and I share a room, formerly the dinning room because this old farmhouse is huge but only has TWO BEDROOMS. Isn't that insane, it has a 24 by 15 foot living room and only two bedrooms. Thank goodness my boys had bunk beds! I don't mind sharing the space.

My dilemma is if I should put Jeff's clothes away in storage or if I should keep them out? I had them put away, but I feel like I am erasing him from our lives if there is no sign of his stuff. It's just so crazy!

The happy thing for the day was was that I got a facebook message from him this morning saying he was in Kyrgyzstan. And that they would be there for a few days but that to turn on skype because he would try to call later. Let me tell you I didn't think I would hear from him for a week, but was so happy to hear from him today!

Just so we know my emotions are all over the place, I breakdown when no one is around. Every time I am alone, I am crying. I refuse to get upset in from of my boys they are 7 and 5 years old, they so do not need that. I figure give me a few weeks and I will be dealing with this better. I think I am still reeling over he was just home for Christmas and went back to Mississippi January 2nd. Maybe if he hadn't been home than I would be better and not crying all the time. Who knows maybe I just need to keep busy. Couldn't hurt!

There are days where I wish I had my own house or apartment and could just be and do whatever I wished. Then there are days where I don't. But for now I will save money and work on getting our credit where it needs to be so that I can buy a house this summer. I am determined to be a home owner before the 2012/2013 school year starts in August, my children need a stable home, and I was a house for Jeff to come home to where he can just enjoy our family. Wishing that some how it would just happen for us, but I live in the real world and other people don't just buy you a house. It would be nice though!

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