About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Coughing, coughing and more COUGHING!!!!

My youngest son Trent had pneumonia over the summer... and since than he has a recurring cough. It comes it goes and it comes back again. Two weeks ago I took him to the pediatrician because his ear hurt - he never complains about anything hurting unless he falls. So I take him in and tell than that his ear was hurting and that he has a cough again, we get an antibiotic, and a prescription for singular, thinking maybe it's his allergies. Nope, his cough is worse. It's keeping me up, it's causing him to have a very restless sleep.

Something has got to be done! So I am once again going to call the pediatrician and take him in. Hopefully we will come out with some real answers and some real relief for him. So that mommy can get some good sleep and not have to worry about him and this cough!

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