About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lonely, but not alone...

How is it that a person can be lonely, but not alone? I think it's easy, there are 3 other adults in this house besides myself, but when the one person you love the most is away, I don't think it matters how many other people are around. I am just lonely without Jeff, especially in the quiet early morning and at night after the boys go to bed.

I really cannot wait for this deployment to be over. And hopefully before it is, I will have bought me and the family a house. We need a house. I love my mom, but I am missing my furniture, my big hand me down chair that I can just curl up into, or my couch that we sink into but it is oh soo cozy. I just miss my stuff and my own space. And all my kitchen gadgets.

I know it's trivial to miss things but I do. I miss my things. I want to make a home for my boys, and decorate their rooms again. I want a home where when Jeff comes home he can have a space all his own so that he can relax and just enjoy being home.

Hopefully, come spring/summer I can start looking for a house definitely don't want to move in winter, haven't done it yet and won't start now.

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