About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Just about half way...

YES YES YES.... we are just about half way through this deployment. I am so happy about that fact. The boys and I are hoping the next 6 months fly by so we can see Jeff again. Skype is one thing but I CANNOT wait to see him in person. I hate that he is missing so much of the boys lives... they are growing up so much... Jordon hasn't changed much since Jeff left, but Trent has. He really has... he is talking better (thanks so much in part to his speech therapy during pre-school) and he is learning so much. He can write his name and can count to 11 and is learning his ABC's. I am so proud of both boys and the things they are learning.

And I can't wait for Jeff to see the results of all my hard work at the gym and to see how all his hard work at the gym over at his FOB has panned out.

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