About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fitness... oh boy!

When I first joined the fitness center I was doing great, going 3 day a week and than I started going 5 days a week. Than Christmas came and it stopped. Now that the New Year is firmly behind us, I have been sporadic about heading to the gym... but seriously WHY? Cause I am lazy sometimes, I am demotivated. But today I made the decision that I seriously have to get off my ass (yes LITERALLY) and get to the gym 5 days a week again. I mean COME ON I have 100lbs to lose. That doesn't happen over night or miraculously.

I need to put in some serious hard work. I need to firm up my body, build some muscle.

So I am officially challenging myself, to come up with the PERFECT workout to get me in and out of the gym in less than an hour, while still giving me a good workout. So I can get home to talk to my husband when he undoubtedly will call around 10:30am my time.

So here I am laying it all out there... I weighed in at 252lbs on Monday, I want to get to 150lbs. That is a cool 102lbs. If I lose 2lbs a week it will take me 51 weeks to lose my 100lbs. <---- 1 year, that is daunting. But I am determined to make my 30's the best decade yet.

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