About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Monday, February 13, 2012

So hectic...

Sometimes life is just soo hectic and you don't know which way is which. My life has been a little bit like that. Sick kids, and better kids, than sick adults around and than my youngest goes and somehow hurts his knee. To the point where he can't walk on it, so off to the Doctor and than blood work and x-rays. Than guess what happens it swells! So the Dr says go to Rainbow Babies and Children's ER... we need an orthopedic Dr to look at it... great! Its one thing when you have your spouse to help deal with this, but when your sitting here alone with a 5 year old in pain, and the Dr is saying go to the ER. It FREAKS you out. And I couldn't call Jeff... there is NO calling him to talk me through my moment of panic. And than you realize you need to make sure the oldest is gotten off the bus and taken care of. And you of course scramble to think of a person willing to go with you to the hospital. Thank GOD, my dad was able to meet me there. And thank GOD that Trent only bruised up his bone and it wasn't serious.

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