About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Mundaneness of my life....

Sometimes I honestly feel like a failure. I haven't finished my degree, even though I am so freaking close I can practically taste it. I don't have my own house. Although I was perfectly happy renting until I had a stupid landlord that let our house get foreclosed on. And let me say I LOVED that house. OK there were things I wanted to replace and fix, but I loved the character of the house. I loved the yard and that the drive was big enough for all our family to visit Christmas and to have a big BBQ in the summer. We had a great deck on the back and front of the house. But.... it's not my house anymore and unfortunately we weren't able to buy the house. OH well...

Back on point. I feel like a failure alot of the time, and then I look at my two handsome sons and I realize that for all of my shortcomings and failures. I have done two very right things. My boys. I would not trade them for the world. And as crazy as they may be sometimes, I love them dearly.

So we were watching a show, I think it was 60 Minutes, and they were talking about plastic surgery, and some man paid $85000 to lengthen his limbs, his legs so he could be taller. How insane is that. Embrace the short!!!! Not that he was that short, I think they said he was now 6'2" and had grown 6 inches. Or Butt implants... ahh really. I think some people are crazy!!!!

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