About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Monday, February 27, 2012

What a day...

The day started off so promising, had plans to head to the West Side Market, and than it got worrisome. I read and heard about a shooting at Chardon high school and was immediately worried for my aunt and her two boys, they go to Chardon and was not sure of which grade they were in. Thank god they are fine.

Actually had a great time at the Market, so glad, got to talk to Jeff spent some time with Tee. Than I get home and got a phone call from the FRG leader of Jeff's unit. There was a incident, at one of the bases where the unit is stationed they were doing checks as people came in the gate, and there was a bomb thrown at them. 3 of the units soldiers are seriously hurt, now I know it was not Jeff, since I had talked to him and they had said that the families had already been notified. But it really puts a person on edge, and makes you realize just how dangerous it is over there.

SO please pray for Chardon High School students and the soldiers injured from Jeff's unit.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Mundaneness of my life....

Sometimes I honestly feel like a failure. I haven't finished my degree, even though I am so freaking close I can practically taste it. I don't have my own house. Although I was perfectly happy renting until I had a stupid landlord that let our house get foreclosed on. And let me say I LOVED that house. OK there were things I wanted to replace and fix, but I loved the character of the house. I loved the yard and that the drive was big enough for all our family to visit Christmas and to have a big BBQ in the summer. We had a great deck on the back and front of the house. But.... it's not my house anymore and unfortunately we weren't able to buy the house. OH well...

Back on point. I feel like a failure alot of the time, and then I look at my two handsome sons and I realize that for all of my shortcomings and failures. I have done two very right things. My boys. I would not trade them for the world. And as crazy as they may be sometimes, I love them dearly.

So we were watching a show, I think it was 60 Minutes, and they were talking about plastic surgery, and some man paid $85000 to lengthen his limbs, his legs so he could be taller. How insane is that. Embrace the short!!!! Not that he was that short, I think they said he was now 6'2" and had grown 6 inches. Or Butt implants... ahh really. I think some people are crazy!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A Long Weekend!

The boys have a long weekend off from school. No school today or Monday! How nice! I just love long weekends with the boys. I am always happy to send them back to school, but we have fun things to do this weekend. Like going to the Cleveland Aquarium with Julie-Mom. And making chicken paprikash with my moms cousin Debbie.

In house news... the North St house is OUT, an offer was made on it. There was a house in High St that was for sale by owner that I probably would have loved, but he wanted 10% down, and a balloon payment in 5 years. Nope that wouldn't do. So I keep looking, there has to be a house out there somewhere for us!

Monday, February 13, 2012

House Hunting?!?!

Oh boy, I am starting to house hunt. Today I looked at THREE houses (with the help of my Dad and Julie-mom). The very first house I was excited to see because the pictures showed this great wood work, fantastic lead windows, a pocket door even some decent old hard wood floors. What it didn't show were all the cracks in the walls, the broken window, the water damage, it didn't show the SMALLEST kitchen ever that has NO usable counter space. Needless to say the one that has the best back yard was the one that needed the most work.

The second house was a FLIP house, completely re-done inside. The kitchen cabinets are old but they look great, everything even the electric and plumbing have been re-done, it's got a great window seat in the downstairs bedroom (which is small), and a wonderful built in bookcase. And the landing upstairs in wonderful, I can see a comfy chair there for reading. But I just can't picture us living there, and maybe it's going to be one of those ones that I need to see something else and than come back and see it again and maybe I will feel differently.

The third house was a 1950's ish ranch home. I liked the all one floor living... I like the hard wood floors, and that their add on family room was huge with a wood burning. Although I worry that the boys would accidentally run into it. The rooms were a decent size, the lot was large, it was just a smidgen out of town. But at some point I would want to redo the kitchen, and update it a bit, which is the only thing I like about modern houses are the upgraded kitchens.

I love too cook. So part of me is waiting for the kitchen that I am going to LOVE and picture myself if all day. But I just haven't found it. But for now I will keep my eyes open and and in contact with my realtor. And I will find the house of my dreams. Hopefully before Jeff comes home from Afghanistan!

So hectic...

Sometimes life is just soo hectic and you don't know which way is which. My life has been a little bit like that. Sick kids, and better kids, than sick adults around and than my youngest goes and somehow hurts his knee. To the point where he can't walk on it, so off to the Doctor and than blood work and x-rays. Than guess what happens it swells! So the Dr says go to Rainbow Babies and Children's ER... we need an orthopedic Dr to look at it... great! Its one thing when you have your spouse to help deal with this, but when your sitting here alone with a 5 year old in pain, and the Dr is saying go to the ER. It FREAKS you out. And I couldn't call Jeff... there is NO calling him to talk me through my moment of panic. And than you realize you need to make sure the oldest is gotten off the bus and taken care of. And you of course scramble to think of a person willing to go with you to the hospital. Thank GOD, my dad was able to meet me there. And thank GOD that Trent only bruised up his bone and it wasn't serious.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


You what is great about losing weight... getting smaller, except when that includes your fingers. Yep it seems losing almost 30 lbs over since the beginning of the year has caused my fingers to get skinnier. And as a result I HAD to get my wedding ring re-sized. I have worn that ring on my finger for 8 years, and I feel NAKED without. Absolutely naked. I can't wait to get it back but you know I won't get it back until Valentines day. Huh... great.

So glad Valentines day is a weekday this year, I can just pretend it doesn't exist, not that Jeff and I ever really do anything for it, but I don't really want to see other couples all happy and together. The together part especially.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

OMG... Snacking...

Oh man am I snacking alot today. Thank goodness I have managed to stay within my points but jeez. Where on earth is my self control?!?!? Oh yeah lost it somewhere in the hustle and bustle of the day. I don't think the weekend is going to be any better! Not with my anti-super bowl food and going up to my very favorite restaurant Smokey Bones! YUMMO....

But in very happy new, I have talked to Jeff the last two mornings. WOOHOO.... But I saw something about Obama wanting all the troops out of Afghanistan in 2013. And I am wondering how this will affect the troops already there and the troops slated to replace the ones there once their tour is up.

IE: Does my husband get to come home on time, home early, or have to stay longer?!?!? I am very concerned. But I will try to keep my thoughts on him being there for the 9 months the Commander said in the beginning. And we will deal with the rest as it comes. Just like everything else in life.

Well Blog land I am going to sleep now, I have an early morning!