About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


It is no secret that I love a lazy Sunday. I love them with a passion, enjoyed just sitting and watching TV with Jeff and the boys and playing games, maybe going out to the store or lunch. But they just are not the same when Jeff isn't here.

I am not loving my lazy Sunday. In fact I am feeling blah, and quite sad. Wishing and hoping that Jeff is all right on this mission.

MUCH LATER... Ahh I am feeling better, had a nice lunch with my friend and Jeff called. Mission over it was nice and un-eventful. It was nice to have some time away, and it was nice to talk to Jeff even if it was brief.

Oh well off to finish the laundry!

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