About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Double digits...

Oh yeah this deployments countdown is FINALLY in the double digits. We have 98 days until the hubs is home again! I cannot wait. The boys can't wait. It has been a long 9 months. And we are anxious to get back out family routine. Now I jsut need to find us a house. Whether rental or not... we need a home of our own. Where Jeff and I can settle in with our boys and start making some new memories together post deployment!

In other news I am down a few pounds to 249lbs. So excited. I have almost lost 10% of my weight. It doens't seem like much but a year ago I was sitting large at 281 lbs, and while it is has taken time... and has been slow going for much of it, I think I have finaly found my grove and have realized that for me I have to track my food in a food journal. And that for the most part I need to be aware of how many calories I am consuming. Right now I am at 1680 calories a day for weight loss, and that has me losing a pound a week... I want it to be more but it won't be until I get in more activity. I need to seriously start working out during the day.

With that said I think I am going to start the C25K program ... a little skeptical about actually doing it, but I need to be commited to weight loss and a more active lifestyle.

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