About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's killing me :(

This deployment is killing me... yeah okay, so maybe I don't let it show ofton. But it is. I miss Jeff terribly, it's getting harder and harder to do things without him. Sitting on the couch reading a book I just wish he was there to hold me while I read. Putting the boys to bed... wish he was here to kiss them good night, and to help comfort them when they are scared. While I love my boys, I love their father just as much. And the last 6 months literally feel like it's been forever since he left. Now I realize I may have seen him twice since leaving in Sept, but let me tell you that seeing your husband for a couple days here and a week at Christmas does not make anyone feel better.

So what brought this post on... a CD of pictures. Jeff has been lifting weights in Afghanistan, so I told him, purely for the reason of seeing the change... to send me some pics shirtless. So I got the CD yesterday, and seeing my shirtless hubby (OMG serious drool worthiness pictures) looking oohhh so good, has be missing him even more. But while I was looking at these pictures he is not smiling in very many of them. Actually I think he only smiled in one. And he sent us a video of his room... make me miss him even more still because I want to be in that room with him, or any room with him. I don't care where, I just WANT YO BE WITH HIM! Sitting there free to talk to him anytime I want and not just when he can call.

Whats worse is we aren't even sure WHEN he will be home. He have a kind of idea, but the unit has not told them a for sure when, supposedly they will be telling them when they will be coming home in a couple weeks. I HOPE!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Didn't make it to the gym...

But I did make it to home depot to buy mulch and garden soil, and than to target to get my Hubbys birthday present. I am gathering it all this week so I can send it to him early next week and hopefully he will get it by his birthday May 15th.

I will say that hauling 10 bags of soil and 5 bags of mulch feels like a workout. I may go for a bike ride in a bit. Even though it is insanely windy!

I also have been a little slack with keeping track of my WW points. So today I bought a bunch of smart ones for breakfast and lunch! Wahoo... that will take out the guess work for those two meals. Thank goodness, because I need to get back to losing good at a steady rate. Next on my agenda it to get in a very good workout! I think I am going to research and find a routine that will be the best workout for me.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Where the heck have I been...?

I have been going crazy. I have been busy, and I have been dealing with trying to get everything together and credit scores to where they need to be so that I can buy a house. I have found the house of my dreams, a cute little ranch with 3 bedrooms, and a 3 car garage on a little under 4 acres. I am hoping that scores will be raised and ready and this house will still be available. But for now, I am on a mission. A mission to save $10000 by Sept 1st. I have things set up to track my progress with our bank that is linked to the savings account, I have looked at what needs paid every month, and what doesn't and I think I can realisticly save $2000 a month.

Heres to hoping... things work out because man do I have plans. I have ideas on repurposing a couple dressers, one to be a TV stand, because I just can't find one that is what I want, and another to be an entryway bench with storage and coat hooks. I am so excited. I also have an old sewing table that is getting a new top to be either I side board or a laptop table. 

Really I just have so many ideas for my almost house that I am super excited. Especially since I an chomping at the bit to get my stuff out of storage and see what else I can repurpose... hehehe....