About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Loving Life

This has certaintly been the best week in a long while. I am loving having Jeff home. I have not been watching my food choices as well as I usually would, but I am owning it, and will just do better tomorrow. And make sure I work out more.

But today was lovely, we went and found the perfect chair for our reading/living room - we actually got a chair in a half and ottoman, or at least we will it's going to take about 6 weeks to arrive since they had to order it, and we are doing a layaway so that we can take time to pay for it. And we can have more time to get that room in order.  And we went to the kitchen store and bought a mortar & pestal, some apple butter syrup, a bbq sauce and cutting boards. Followed by lunch out at Olive Garden.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


So happy to say that my husband is home! He got home Sunday afternoon, and we were able to suprise the boys are school on Monday. LOL! We were able to get a video of Jeff suprising the boys. It was wonderful....


Monday, September 10, 2012

Wow.. I am bad about writing.

I have been so busy with the house, and trying to get things done before Jeff gets home that I've forgotten to write on my blog.

Well so much as happened, Jeff is back in the states now. Got back Saturday. Will be home next week! Yay! We are insanely excited, or at least I am. Not sure where my boys stand. I think it will be quite a change for them.

But one I am whole heartedly looking forward too. Other than that not much has been going on. Hopefully I will be posting more from now on.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

75 days and counting....

So we stand at 75 days until the hubs is home. I am SOOOO excited. I can't wait to see him again. I know the boys are missing thier daddy alot - even if they don't say it! But I sure hope I can manage to save some serious cash before he gets home so he can take extra time off from work. Heres hoping I can do it.

Well I am taking a break from working on the house... I think I can't do much more until I get some furniture on there. Well other than cleaning carpets... and it's too hot to go do that right now....

Monday, July 16, 2012

So excited... and yet NOT

I am so excited that Jeff will be home in less than 3 months. Yet at the same time I can't help but feel mad, because some of his unit will be home sooner. I don't begrudge them thier excitement, It's just a hard pill to swallow that Jeff will be in the last group of guys to come home.  But I guess this gives me more time to save money and more time to get our house in order.

Which -- bring me to more exciting stuff. I found a house to rent. YAY!!! Now we just need to move all our stuff in... it's a slow process but it's getting there. :)

Weight loss had been going good. I have been losing 2 punds a week. Which is insanely awesome. If I keep it up I will be done another 20lbs by the time Jeff gets home. Wahoo... Goal weight is between 140 and 160... but for now I am aiming to be under 200lbs by New years. I think I can do it!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Double digits...

Oh yeah this deployments countdown is FINALLY in the double digits. We have 98 days until the hubs is home again! I cannot wait. The boys can't wait. It has been a long 9 months. And we are anxious to get back out family routine. Now I jsut need to find us a house. Whether rental or not... we need a home of our own. Where Jeff and I can settle in with our boys and start making some new memories together post deployment!

In other news I am down a few pounds to 249lbs. So excited. I have almost lost 10% of my weight. It doens't seem like much but a year ago I was sitting large at 281 lbs, and while it is has taken time... and has been slow going for much of it, I think I have finaly found my grove and have realized that for me I have to track my food in a food journal. And that for the most part I need to be aware of how many calories I am consuming. Right now I am at 1680 calories a day for weight loss, and that has me losing a pound a week... I want it to be more but it won't be until I get in more activity. I need to seriously start working out during the day.

With that said I think I am going to start the C25K program ... a little skeptical about actually doing it, but I need to be commited to weight loss and a more active lifestyle.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Where have I been....

In my own little world, struggling... to lose weight, struggling to keep sane, struggling with my boys, struggling with the emotions and this deployment.

Weight loss has been so hard, keeping on track and following the rules of healthy eating is even harder. I am following weight watchers, and bought a Mytrak slim coach, a Wii fit... I HAVE ALL THE TOOLS... but I am just not using them -- and I need too -- So my goal is to get active and get eating better. Starting with surrouding myself with healthier foods. So I am have started to overhaul our eating habits and looking up healthier versions of our fave foods.

And I am going to keep the boys busy with the zoo, aquarium and parks. We have the Nelson Ledges 5 minutes from us... and as long as the weather is nice we will be there hiking. What a great way to get a workout and have fun.