About Me

I am a stay at home mom. Been married almost 8 years. My husband is in the National Guard, we are dealing with his second deployment. Other than that if you read the blog you'll find out more about me.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Losing Weight is hard to do...

It really is, maybe for some it's not that hard. I mean the basic principles are easy, eat healthy and exercise more. I get... but for someone who has been overweight most of their life, it's sometimes hard to always eat healthier. Maybe that's what I love about Weight Watchers, you can still have the pizza and wings, but you learn to eat in moderation so that your not going over your points. And I am getting better with the exercise. And I guess that is where the Biggest Loser slim coach comes in, at the beginning of the day it is red, and when you've met your goals (you can go to their website and set them up) it turns green. Now I love watching it go from red to green. But this first week it's just learning my lifestyle it says. So I am hoping that next week it gets a bit harder to turn green so that I am pushing myself to be more active.

I have a goal. And I want to reach it. I know my hubby says he doesn't care how much weight I lose, but I do. I want to feel more confident in my body. And be more active for my kids.

So I am crazy excited... for years since I was little, I had a chipped tooth that got fixed, and since than it was been yellow. And for years I have wanted to get a veneer or something to fix it. Well I finally made an appointment with a dentist that does veneers, so monday I go for a normal cleaning and than Weds, I go for the veneer and the whitening, so that all my teeth match the veneer! YAY! I am sooo freaking excited.